Sunday, December 04, 2005

Preperations and Plans

This will be the way I will communitcate with the outside world. This will be much easier than updating my website, I can upload pictures to this place and they automatically resize the pictures. Plus, people can comment on the my posts.
Preparations are pretty much done. I just need to find small versions of deoderant, shampoo, and get some extra contact lenses.

I really haven't planned my trip too much so far. It goes without saying that I will be going to all the major museums in all the cities I go to. I also want to visit a few jazz clubs in a few of the cities, check out some old churches, and eat some good local food. On top of those things I have planned for in Munich is to see Opeth play on the 16th and check out the Weihenstephan brewery. If you don't know, the Weihenstephan brewery is the worlds oldest brewery, started in 1040. Yes, that's right, it is almost 1000 years old. I also was planning to go to the BMW museum, but according to one of my guides, it's closed for renovation until 2007.

There is a pub in Amsterdam I'm very interested in going to and I have heard the Heineken brewerey tour is pretty cool.

Brussels is probably the lease planned city. Many people say it's a boring city, I hope to entertain myself by indulging in the varieties of beer they have. If I find it hard to keep myself entertained in the city, I might move on earlier than planned to Italy and stay in Prague longer.

There are tons of places to go to in Florence. I was looking at a travel book and it looks like there is something to see on every corner. I'm going to see if there is some sort of wine tour I can take around the Tuscany area.

In Prague I plan on doing a little day trip to Plzn where Pilsner Urquell, the original lager, is brewed.

So, that's about it. Any suggestions for places to check out are appreciated.


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